“Embraceable”, Susie Arioli | The duty

There she is again. It’s a real pleasure. When was the last hug? It goes back to the album Spring, No ? In 2015, damn it! How could we live without her, without this tone both tender and dangerous, without the sensual playfulness of her interpretations? This unexpected new album brings us back, as if it were yesterday, to our sulphurous and delightful proximity. Of the Pendulum, the symbolic return of the pendulum, we are under its suggestive power. Even Jordan Officer returned, once again an accomplice of texts and music of ageless freshness, including country-swing 500 cigarettes (my favorite, in big puffs). Everything flows naturally. Jazz and blues standards, Worried Mind, Embraceable Youand the irrepressible swing ofIt’s Alright With Me also returned, too happy to feel the lady’s supple grip at every turn. Impeccable production by Susie and Stéphane Grimm, elite accompanist. We are in the desired setting. Looking forward to the reunion on stage!

Click here to view an excerpt.



Jazz song

Susie Arioli, Blu Dog Media

To watch on video

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