embarrassment after rape accusations against Damien Abad



Article written by

N. Perez, J. Bigard, A. Gouty, M. Marini – France 2

France Televisions

On the eve of the first Council of Ministers, a case disturbs this desired new start. The Minister of Solidarity, Autonomy and People with Disabilities Damien Abad is the target of reports of alleged acts of rape. He denies these accusations.

He has only been Minister of Solidarity and Disability for 48 hours, but Damien Abad is already the subject of charges of alleged rape. According to Médiapart, two complainants reported via an association that Damien Abad allegedly raped them between 2010 and 2011. The new Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne, traveling to Calvados reacted immediately. “Of course, I was not aware. I will be very clear: on all these subjects of harassment, sexual assault, there can be no impunity.”

On May 13, in a letter addressed to the Observatory of Sexual Violence in Politics, the complainant accuses Damien Abbad. “In the letter she describes that evening when he insisted that she drink a glass of champagne and then she describes a blackout”, reports Fiona Texeire, who is one of the leaders of this militant association. For his part, the new minister refuted the accusations in a press release issued on Sunday May 22. In 2017, another young woman filed a rape complaint. A complaint closed without further action because the facts were not sufficiently characterized.

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