Elvis Presley, the pioneer of rock’n’roll, continues to charm the public


France 2

Article written by

M.Collet, L.Cloix M.Mullot, L.Barbier – France 2

France Televisions

The film “Elvis” will be released in theaters on Wednesday June 22. It traces the mythical career of the King, who continues to be popular with the public.

Elvis Presley is more alive than ever in the movie Elvis, by Baz Luhrmann, which hits theaters on Wednesday, June 22. Even after 60 years, every fan has their favorite King song and many sing his mythical hits in the street. “He’s the pioneer of rock’n’roll. He started a trend and everyone loved it”, says a man. In July 1954, Elvis Presley went on the radio and his career began. In 23 years, he performed 800 songs and legendary hits, like “Love Me Tender”.

“This music is beautiful, I loved it when I was young”, says a woman. The signature of Elvis Presley is also his hips, which still remains legendary. “When I was little, my grandmother listened to it (…) she danced like that and I found it beautiful”remembers a young woman. “He was a handsome boy who sang well, who moved well, that was not done at the time”assures a woman.

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