Elvis, by Baz Luhrman, to be released in summer 2022

A first “ teaser ” and a release date have been unveiled by Baz Luhrman.

Luc Boulanger

Luc Boulanger

After many years of gestation, Baz Luhrmann’s biographical film on Elvis Presley will finally be released on June 24, 2022. The director ofElvis Himself announced Monday on Twitter, while unveiling the first images of his film on the King.

Filming, which began in 2020, was abruptly stopped at the start of the pandemic, in March 2020, because actor Tom Hanks, who plays Colonel Parker, was hospitalized after testing positive for COVID. -19.

No details on the script have yet been revealed, but the film is expected to cover a broad period of Elvis Presley’s career. In his tweet published Monday, Baz Luhrmann unveils the first images (20 seconds) of the film distributed by Warner Bros. We can see the silhouette of the King (played by Austin Butler).

The Australian director hadn’t done anything for the cinema since Gatsby the magnificent, in 2013, his adaptation of the famous novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald starring Leonardo DiCaprio.

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