Elton John sings at the White House and receives a decoration from the hands of Joe Biden

Donald Trump liked him very much, but it was his successor Joe Biden who invited him to the White House and paid tribute to him. Elton John had a memorable evening, Friday, September 23 in Washington. The President of the United States assured him before his host’s singing tour: the music of the British rocker “changed our lives”.

“What a dump here!”, joked on his side, much less solemn, Sir Elton John, glittering black suit and glasses with orange lenses, putting himself at the piano. Behind him, the residence of the American president all illuminated, and a military band in full dress. Playing in this setting is “the icing on the cake”, he then said before intoning Your Song, essential ballad of his repertoire, his first major international success.

Under a huge transparent tent erected in the gardens of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, the American executive had invited some 2,000 guests: activists, in particular activists for the rights of LGBTQ + people, nursing staff, teachers … In the audience , according to the White House, were present the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize Malala Yousafzai, or the former tennis champion and activist Billie Jean King.

The singer recalled his commitment to the fight against AIDS and thanked America for the help given in this fight. He made the audience laugh by reporting an exchange with George W. Bush – whose wife Laura Bush was present. The former president would have asked him, in colorful terms, to help convince France to give more money for the fight against AIDS: “Get the French to give more fucking money.”

Friday evening consisted, according to the White House, of “celebrating the unifying power of music”. But as in Washington everything is always political, when he sang Rocket Man, one of his countless hits, it was hard not to think of the former Republican president. This is how Donald Trump had nicknamed the North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. The Republican used to play songs by Elton John during his rallies, in particular Tiny Dancer, another tube that the artist interpreted on Friday evening (and that he revisited recently with Britney Spears).

The Briton, who at 75 is on a major tour of the United States, thanked Joe Biden for his invitation but also praised former President George W. Bush. “I just wish America was more able to cross partisan lines,” he said. Before resuming his concert of about forty minutes, concluded with another planetary success, I Am Still Standing.

Joe Biden finally presented the artist with the National Humanities Medal. “I’m never flabbergasted, but here I am flabbergasted”, commented Elton John, very moved, receiving his decoration.

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