“Elsa has been there …”: Michou reveals a hickey on her neck, the reactions are not long in coming

Liane Lazaar is a web editor attached to the TV division of Purepeople.com. She knows as much the course of Jean-Pierre Pernaut on TF1 as the latest twists and turns of the candidates for reality TV and has a pronounced taste for stories of the heart.

Michou and Elsa Bois continue to generate a lot of interest. The Youtubeur has just added a little more curiosity around their relationship by posting a video on Tik Tok on which he displays an apparent hickey. It did not take more for Internet users to get carried away.

It’s a video that gets a lot of talk. On Tik Tok, Michou appeared with a question apparently existential in his eyes, namely “where a baby’s poop went when it was in mom’s womb“. But it is not this question that has caught the attention.

Indeed, the young 20-year-old Youtubeur has especially collected a lot of comments by posting a hickey on the neck. A physical brand that has finally persuaded that he was in a relationship with Elsa Bois, his partner of Dance with the stars who he went to the final with this season. “He’s showing off the hickey on purpose! We understand, Elsa has been there!“,”Well say Elsa. It hides stuff!“,”I guess he spent the evening with Elsa“, estimated the Net surfers. Interpretations to which neither Michou nor Elsa Bois answered.

It must be said that these two continue to maintain the vagueness around their relationship for several weeks. But one thing is certain: they are inseparable. A date at the cinema, an evening for two in front of the final of Koh Lanta… Michou and Elsa Bois do not hide from spending a lot of time together and their complicity seems obvious, however still no confirmation as to a possible romance between the two.

The announcement of the breakup of the dancer with her boyfriend had nevertheless given hope to fans who hope to see them formalize. The same way as the kiss they would have exchanged at the end of a dance during the competition. A kiss that had initially confirmed the judge Chris Marques before going back on his statements, pretexting a joke. If Michou seems in any case to like to play on the nerves of Internet users, Elsa Bois remains on the reserve and scrambles the tracks. “We get along really well. We’ll see what happens in the future, but we get along really great“, she explained in the podcast Red string.

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