Elsa Fayer botoxed? Frank answer and confidences on his lifestyle

Elsa Fayer is 47 years old and she absolutely does not do them. The mother of three (twins Emy and Liv, 11, born from her marriage to Zach Hanoun; and from Ambre born from her previous marriage) returns to TFX with the new season of 10 perfect couples (January 3, 2022). While she faces reality TV stars, young and often followers of cosmetic surgery, Elsa Fayer also does not hide having had recourse at least once to a small intervention in order not to age too quickly. She confided in the magazine Public.

Already, before wanting to look younger at any cost thanks to the scalpel or aesthetic medicine, you must have a healthy life. This, the beautiful quadra understood it very well and tells the magazine how she takes care of her body and her health: “I know how to manage my diet. When I have put on weight a little, I stop the sugar and the bread. I eat a minimum of meat, but when I crave a chop, I eat a chop! And I do a lot of dancing with my friend Mia Frye.Basically, eating well and moving well is her mantra.

Regarding the more physical beauty, especially that of her face, Elsa Fayer responds very frankly (as she has already done regarding fidelity). She did not do surgery but aesthetic medicine. When the magazine asks him Botox or not Botox?, she answers : “I came back from there. I tried and really, I didn’t like it at all. I like faces that move. Youth is not a question of wrinkles, it comes through the eyes. I don’t put any pressure on myself for my age. It doesn’t worry me at all. I like my little wrinkles! And I don’t see myself continuing for long.” That is clear.

The former columnist at Laurent Ruquier in We tried everything does not have to be ashamed anyway, she is simply sublime. Either way, it’s not his style not to take charge. We still remember his passage in Salut les Terrens! in 2019 during which Thierry Ardisson had brought out photos of her naked. A little embarrassed, she assumed everything and even explained: “It was very fashionable to put the animators in this kind of outfit, eh, because I am extremely dressed [elle est bien sûr ironique, ndlr]. And in fact everyone was doing it, all the cable girls back then were doing it to promote.

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