Elsa Esnoult still traumatized by Fort Boyard: these memories that haunt her

Elsa Esnoult returns to Fort Boyard this Saturday, July 16 on France 2. For the third time in her life, she will be subjected to the tests of the show in order to win as much money as possible to help an association. After Tara Ocean and Fall from the Nest, it’s for Solidarity Firefighters – which helps protect people, property and environments, save human lives and support vulnerable populations – that she will fight this time, and above all overcome her fears.

Because yes, the 33-year-old actress and singer, who had lost a lot of weight last year, does not necessarily have very good memories of her second stint on the show. During the test of Spa’rade, she was then forced to immerse her whole body in three different baths, in which swam cakes, toads and snakes. “I remained traumatized by these critters and, since that day, I am even more afraid of them. My fear was to have to live this nightmare again” she explained in the columns of TV 7 Days, when we had just asked her if she had since recovered from this ordeal.

“The horror”

The Bell stage was not easy either for the former victim of Covid-19, as she revealed during this interview. “When I was put on a harness, I immediately said: ‘No, no, not me! I’ve already done the leap of the angel!’. Alas, another ordeal awaited me… Worse still! I stand on a giant trapeze, 15 meters high. And I’m swinging higher and higher, harder and harder. The horror ! Still, I’m a fan of the craziest amusement park rides. There, nothing to see. I am all alone, above the void…”, she confided.

Finally, I always leave proud and with a smile…“, she admitted all the same, speaking of the show. Let’s hope for her that this third passage will not be as trying as the previous one, and above all that it brings in as much funds as possible for the association of Solidarity firefighters. Courage to the participants!

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