Elsa Dasc struggles to get pregnant: illness, operations… testimony and moving photos

It is a moving testimony delivered by the former candidate of the princes of love (2016) on her Instagram account, Sunday August 7, 2022. Elsa Dasc revealed the fight she has been fighting for a year and a half to get pregnant.

On February 14, 2019, the beautiful 28-year-old blonde formalized her relationship with Arthur Venset. Eight months later, the lovebirds united in front of their loved ones and did not fail to share photos of this big day on social networks. Since then, they share pictures of their many trips and do not hesitate to answer questions from their subscribers. And a question often comes up:When is the baby due?“. A subject that Elsa Dasc wanted to discuss yesterday on Instagram.

Daily, the sister of Leslie Dasc receives this painful question for her since in secret, she was fighting to get pregnant. But today, she wished to break the silence on her difficult fight. To do this, Elsa shared photos in which we can discover her on a hospital bed, infused and with large bandages on her stomach. In one of the photos, her husband Arthur Venset is at her side to support her. “I have struggled privately for 1.5 years with fertility. Having a child for me will never be easy. It’s too early and very hard for me to speak out loud to explain, I still feel very vulnerable about this subject, which nevertheless affects 1 in 10 women.“, she first wrote in the caption.

Endometriosis and emergency surgery

Elsa Dasc then confided that it all started last April when she discovered following an ultrasound that she had an inflammation of the tubes. She then had many appointments before undergoing a operation : “hysteroscopy laparoscopy which allows to unblock [l]you’re wrong“.”We found out after that that I had partial endometriosis.which we managed to remove with a 3-hour operation. Despite the success of the operation, the next day my body could not standNo risk does not exist, I suffered 24 hours after internal bleeding, loss of hemoglobin, anemiaI understood nothing and then everything accelerated, CT scan transfusion and second emergency operation. Probably the most agonizing and tiring moment of my life.“, she continued. She then did not fail to thank the medical staff as well as her husband “who has been there every day, every night, every second to [s]are sides without judgment just near [d’elle]” to protect her and restore her confidence in the future. “JI wish you all to be as well surrounded as I have been lately“, she concluded.

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