Elsa Bois in a relationship with Michou? This information released by the Youtubeur will panic Internet users …

If Michou did not clinch the title in the 11th season of Dance with the stars, the young man fell in love with his partner, Elsa Bois. In recent weeks, those who finished third on the show have been at the heart of many dating rumors. Things escalated when the dancer revealed to be estranged from her companion. During the adventure, the YouTuber even indulged in some confidences. “Elsa, it’s complicated … Actually we’re friends, but I think I want us to be more than friends … But I can’t!”, he blurted out facing the camera.

Before the couple’s last dance, Chris Marques even made a revelation. “Marie said there was a kiss. Marie said she had them in the rushes but they didn’t want to show them”. The juror then sought to rectify the situation during an interview in Telepro: “I made a mistake! I love to laugh and I made a bet with François and Denitsa. We bet that something was going to happen between Michou and his dancer except that nothing happens. I See I’m losing my bet, so I started to make things up. The video doesn’t exist. I would have thought that was great, but no, there is nothing. “ While for his part, on Twitter, Michou wrote: “The end of an adventure, but we are still at the beginning of this great story I hope …”

They dated!

New revelations were made on this subject, Wednesday, December 22. In the story of his Instagram account, his fans could see that the influencer was on the Champs-Élysées where he went to the Disney Store. When he came face to face with the large Spider-Man figure, he said: “Dude I had to thank you. Thanks to you I dated Elsa at the movies. You’re the best, I love you.” Indeed, the superhero film has been in theaters since December 15. Obviously, these two do not let go any more since before finding themselves facing the last part of the adventures of Tom Holland and Zendaya, they had spent the evening together watching the final of Koh-Lanta, the legend on December 14.
Highlight of the show, Michou also posted a video on TikTok titled: “When I participate in Dancing with the stars just to find love” …


See also: Michou as a couple: after the final of Dance with the stars, the Youtubeur grilled with his new sweetheart!


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