Elon Musk lays off 50% of his employees… by email!

After the dissolution of the board of directors and the dismissal of the general manager and other senior officials, Elon Musk still intends to make people talk about him.

Wave of massive layoffs

This Friday, November 4, the boss of Tesla and SpaceX kicks off a campaign of massive layoffs. When the offices open, employees will receive an email in which their future in the company will be stipulated.

L’AFP was able to read the email sent to the employees confirming the rumors of massive layoffs. In this email, we can read the words of management: “At 9:00 a.m. PT on Friday, November 4, everyone will receive an email with the subject line: your role at Twitter. […] If your job is not impacted, you will receive a notification on your Twitter address. Otherwise on your personal address. Before continuing with the following words: “We recognize that a number of individuals who have made notable contributions to Twitter will be affected, but this action is unfortunately necessary to ensure the company’s success in the future. »

Because to ensure the success of the company, it will be necessary to save money. After the takeover of Twitter for 44 billion dollars, Elon Musk has effectively announced that he wants to drastically reduce expenses and improve the company’s profitability.

In total, between 3,000 and 4,000 employees could be fired depending on the washington postwhich corresponds to 50% of the current workforce.

Employees, shocked

“The ongoing dismissal process is a farce and a disgrace. Tesla henchmen making decisions about people they know nothing about except how many lines of code they’ve produced,” tweeted Taylor Leese, director of a fired engineering team.

If the first layoffs were announced this Friday morning, a class action lawsuit has already been filed in federal court in San Francisco. Bloomberg. The law effectively prohibits large companies from carrying out waves of layoffs without notice of at least 60 days, at the risk of exposing themselves to a daily fine of 500 dollars per employee as well as the obligation to pay back wages. .

Especially since this is not the first time that Elon Musk has broken this law. Tesla was also sued after laying off 500 workers in June.

What will become of the blue bird social network? Answers in the next few weeks!


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