Elon Musk: His ex, mother of his last 2 children, is in a relationship with a woman

A new chapter opens for Grimes, real name Claire Boucher. While she has just welcomed a little girl baptized Exa Dark Siderael, the singer separated from her companion Elon Musk in September 2021. But we have to believe that the Canadian artist, 31, quickly recovered from her emotions since she would have found love again. The chosen one of his heart? A certain Chelsea Manning, little known in France, but popular in the United States after a public scandal.

A former soldier, Chelsea Manning made headlines in the early 2010s after revealing hundreds of official documents on WikiLeaks. Sentenced to 35 years in prison, for espionage among other things, she was released seven years later, President Barack Obama having shortened her sentence. She had, in particular, tried several times to end her life, in her cell, but today leads a more peaceful existence with Grimes.

They moved in together

According to information from Page Six, things would even go very quickly between the two lovers. “It’s getting very seriousprovides a media source. They moved in together. They live in Austin.“Chelsea Manning, however, would have kept her apartment located in Brooklyn. She would have seduced Claire Boucher by talking to her several times on Twitter. Looking more closely, it is indeed possible to see that the former soldier regularly likes what Grimes shares on social media, including magazine cover Vanity Fair in which she revealed that she had a second child with the help of a surrogate.

Grimes is the mother of two children, from her relationship with Elon Musk, chairman and CEO of SpaceX, CEO of Tesla, incidentally one of the ten richest men in the world. Difficult to know, for the moment, how will be organized the sharing of the custody of their daughter, Exa Dark Siderael, and their eldest Xaea-12, renamed X AE A-Xii because of a Californian law.. .

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