Elon Musk highlights the need for an ‘arbiter’ in AI

American billionaire Elon Musk on Wednesday stressed the need for an “arbiter” in artificial intelligence, which according to him is one of the “greatest threats” weighing on Humanity.

“What we are aiming for is to establish a framework for better understanding, so that there is at least “an” independent arbiter, who can observe what AI companies are doing and sound the alarm ‘He has concerns,’ he told reporters at the international summit being held on Wednesday and Thursday at Bletchley Park in north London.

“My hope for this summit is that there will be […] an international consensus on the initial understanding of advanced AI,” said Elon Musk.

On Wednesday, China, the United States, the European Union and around twenty countries signed the world’s first joint declaration for the “safe” development of AI at the Bletchley Park summit.

The boss of social network

He called for “starting with the observation of a neutral third party”, then for the rules to be proposed “by talking with the different players in the AI ​​sector” to “say OK, what would be in everyone’s opinion fair rules, as we would do in sport.

He further estimated that AI is one of the “most significant threats” facing humanity. “For the first time, we are in a situation where we have something that will be much more intelligent than the most intelligent human,” he said.

“For me, the fact that we can control something like this is not obvious […] I think this is one of the existential risks we face. […]probably the most pressing,” he added, believing that the Bletchley Park summit came at the right time.

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