Elodie Gossuin tackles her husband Bertrand Lacherie: she has more children to deal with than you think!

More than eighteen years ago, Elodie Gossuin met the love of her life: Bertrand Lacherie. They got married on July 1, 2006 and they are the parents of four children, two times two twins: Jules and Rose (14 years old on December 21) and Joséphine and Léonard (8 years old). Miss France 2001 (and Miss Europe 2001) leads her merry little troop to the baguette. Interviewed by TV 7 Days, Elodie Gossuin did not hesitate to evoke her small tribe and to winnow her dear and tender Bertrand.

The pretty 40-year-old blonde has never hidden it, having four children and especially twins is not easy. It takes organization, a lot of organization, given that she works alongside (on RFM for the show The Best of Awakenings). “The weeks are particularly difficult. I sometimes try to counterbalance, I force myself at least 2 to 3 naps per week. I never have two full days from 4 a.m. to 6 p.m. in a row. And I never work after the radio on Wednesdays. I go straight home to pick up my children from school and I spend the afternoon with them“, she explained in 2019 to TV-Leisure.

The one who will be next December 19 alongside presenter Olivier Minne and singer Carla Lazzari for Eurovision Junior 2021, persists is signed two years later and once again lets know that the days are exhausting. She tells TV 7 Days : “It’s the constant excitement, you have to manage the unforeseen, plan plans, A, B and C! Mentally and nervously, it can be exhausting at times. I have a lot of trouble delegating. Especially since I don’t have four children at home, but five, with my husband (Laughs).“One last little sentence that should sting (with humor) her husband.

If Elodie Gossuin gently tackles Bertrand Lacherie during this interview, in reality, she knows how much she can count on him and has already paid tribute to his investment. “There is always one to pick up the other. (…) My husband adapts to my schedules and is a stay-at-home dad as well. I find it admirable that he thrives on not having the ‘lead role’ professionally and financially speaking. (…) Fortunately he is very conciliatory because he made a lot more efforts than me“she said to Pocket TV.

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