Elizabeth II well surrounded: a new and adorable photo with her great-grandchildren unveiled

A new family portrait has made a place for itself on the queen’s desk! On Wednesday February 16, 2022, Elizabeth II reappeared during an audience with Admiral James Macleod and General Eldon Millar at Windsor Castle. We were then able to spot the new family photo that now adorns her office: a snapshot on which the 95-year-old sovereign poses with her great-grandchildren.

Sitting on a sofa, Elizabeth appears in the center, with a baby on her lap. It could be Lucas Tindall, the third child of Zara and Mike Tindall, born in March 2021. The boy has already made a few outings in the arms of his mother, but his face remains unknown to the public. The infant’s sisters, Mia and Lena (8 and 3) are also recognizable, seated alongside their great-grandmother. On the sofa still, it seems that Prince Louis (3), the third child of Prince William and Kate Middleton, completes the foreground on the left (see details in our slideshow).

Behind, stand, from left to right: Lady Louise Windsor (18, the daughter of Prince Edward and Sophie of Wessex, the Queen’s youngest granddaughter), Prince George (8, the eldest son of Kate and William), Isla Phillips (8, the daughter of Peter Phillips and his ex-wife Autumn), Princess Charlotte (6, the sister of George and Louis) and Savannah Phillips (11, the sister of Isla ).

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