Elizabeth II positive for Covid-19: Buckingham Palace gives the first news

The noose was only tightening around Queen Elizabeth … The 95-year-old monarch, triple vaccinated, unfortunately could not escape Covid-19.

This Sunday, February 20, 2022, Buckingham Palace announced that Elizabeth II has tested positive for Covid-19 but only presents “mild” symptoms comparable to those of a cold. The sovereign, who had recently been in contact with her son Prince Charles two days before he tested positive, will nevertheless carry out “light tasks” over the next week, Buckingham Palace said.

Last Wednesday, Queen Elizabeth said she had trouble “moving” during her first public engagement in person since meeting eight days ago with Prince Charles, who later tested positive for Covid-19.

Elizabeth II had received in the middle of the day Major General Eldon Millar, responsible for liaising between the Queen and the armed forces, and his predecessor Rear Admiral James Macleod, at Windsor Castle, about forty kilometers from London, principal place of residence of the sovereign. Video of the encounter showed the queen welcoming them standing, smiling, wearing a patterned dress, with a cane in her hands. “As you can see I can’t move“, she had declared showing her foot or her left leg. According to the British agency PA, the queen suffers from a slight stiffness.

Despite this difficulty, this appearance of the 95-year-old sovereign, who had spent a night in the hospital in the fall for a reason never specified, thus sent a new rather reassuring signal about her state of health, in a busy context for the British monarchy.

His second son Prince Andrew has reached an agreement to put an end to a complaint in the United States for sexual assault and Scotland Yard has opened an investigation linked to a foundation of Prince Charles.

The services of Prince Charles, 73, announced ten days ago that the heir to the British crown had tested positive for Covid – for the second time – and that he was isolating himself. He had met his mother 48 hours earlier. The monarch’s entourage then indicated that she had no symptoms, without saying whether she had been tested positive or negative, fueling concern. A few days later, Camilla, 74, wife of Prince Charles, announced that she had also caught the Covid.

Queen Elizabeth passed the milestone of 70 years of reign on February 6, an unprecedented longevity for the British monarchy. Four days of festivities are planned to celebrate its platinum jubilee.

Since his health problems in October, his appearances had become rare, but the palace recently announced a resumption of its public activities: before a ceremony on March 29 at Westminster Abbey in memory of Prince Philip, her late husband l Last year, the Queen is due to attend a diplomatic reception in Windsor on March 2 and a Commonwealth ceremony on March 14.

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