Elizabeth II: Physically diminished … she travels in a golf cart

She therefore went to the exhibition in the company of her son Prince Edward, his wife Sophie, the Countess of Wessex, her granddaughter Princess Beatrice and her husband, Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi. She was honored there for her 70 years of reign, which will be celebrated throughout the kingdom for four days during the June jubilee. Upon her arrival, the queen, dressed all in pink, was greeted by Keith Weed, the president of the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS), which has organized the event for more than 100 years. She then hastened to visit the gardens and the exhibitions.

The event, which opens today to the general public and which should bring together nearly 140,000 people until Sunday, has already been visited more than fifty times by the Queen since the beginning of her reign. Just that ! Several creations pay homage to him, including an enormous steel structure retracing his profile with 70 pots of lily of the valley, his favorite flower, and rosemary intertwined with strong foliage. A new rose, ” Rosa Elizabeth ” is notably in the running for an award.

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