Elizabeth II Jubilee: The young wife of Boris Johnson dares a very flashy look!

A cinephile, she loves watching trailers and historic moments on TV. The next James Bond or Barack Obama’s inauguration speech give him the same chills.

If for once Queen Elizabeth II bet on a pale color, the first lady of the country, Carrie Johnson, opted for a super flashy pink on the occasion of the Trooping the Color military parade! An important parade which is part of the festivities of the weekend of the sovereign’s jubilee.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is at the forefront of Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee. If the 57-year-old politician wore a particularly sober suit in gray tones, his wife Carrie (34) dared to wear a very flashy dress for the “Trooping the Colour” parade, which can be translated as “Hi in colors”. It thus corresponds to the theme of the event of June 2, 2022, not going unnoticed with its total look more pink than ever.

Trooping the Color is a military gathering that dates back to 1748 to celebrate Elizabeth’s official birthday. This parade takes place at Horse Guards Parade, every year on the second Saturday of June. For this very special military parade since it is part of the prestigious setting of the jubilee which marks the seventy years of reign of the Queen, the British first lady Carrie Johnson chose a bright pink outfit signed by the brand general public & Other Stories. This color appeals to her since she had already chosen it at the G7 summit last year. Her husband warmly congratulated and paid tribute to his queen on Twitter, ending his post with the inescapable “God Save the Queen!”

A joyful event that brings together the whole of Great Britain and even beyond, but if the presence of the 96-year-old sovereign filled British citizens with joy during this first day of festivities, she is weakened by a new announcement: Elizabeth II had to cancel her visit to the traditional mass at Saint Paul’s Cathedral due to her health and in particular her fatigue.

Once the jubilee festivities are over, Boris Johnson will find himself faced with his big files, among which the scandal of the Partygate, a case in which his own wife is involved and which has plagued the Conservative government for six months. The publication last week of an administrative report detailing the scale of anti-Covid rule breaches at Downing Street has prompted renewed calls for the resignation. Targeted by a fine – unheard of for a Prime Minister in office -, said to assume “full responsibility for everything that happened” but felt duty “Continue” his work during an interview on the site devoted to the education of children mumsnet.com.

The scandal has already caused his popularity to plummet, leading to heavy setbacks for the Tories in local elections in early May. He maintained his position by notably highlighting his leading role in the Western response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

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