Elizabeth II in good shape: farewell to the cane, she receives all smiles in Windsor!

Queen Elizabeth II is in great shape! While her health has been the subject of many rumors for several months now, due to a few worries here and there forcing her to sometimes have to cancel engagements, she appeared all smiles this Thursday, April 28.

It was from her Windsor Castle – where she had taken refuge at the height of the coronavirus pandemic – that the monarch posed for a few photos, without the help of her precious cane which we could see recently as help to walk. Elizabeth II, who celebrated her birthday privately on April 21, looked dapper in a blue and gray floral-patterned silk dress. She received for a brief audience the Swiss President Ignazi Cassis and his wife. Visibly happy to have visitors and always present at her task, the mother of Prince Charles – future heir to the throne of England – offered something to reassure about his state of health as the festivities planned for June approach. 70 years of reign.

Indeed, no less than four days of highly anticipated celebrations are planned for the beginning of June to mark its “platinum jubilee”! No doubt his subjects are looking forward to this. Incidentally, Elizabeth II’s health has raised concern among them as, since a brief hospitalization in October, the Queen’s appearances have become extremely rare, although she continues to perform “light duties”, most of them time by videoconference. On March 29, she attended a religious ceremony at Westminster Abbey in honor of her husband Prince Philip, who died last year. It was his first major public appearance in months.

According to Buckingham Palace, Prince Harry’s grandmother hopes to be able to attend the opening ceremony of the British Parliament on May 10, an annual appointment she has only missed twice in her 70-year reign.

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