Elizabeth II – Her very worrying state of health: Stéphane Bern, very pessimistic, evokes the “irremediable”

Since this Thursday, the United Kingdom has been suspended on the state of health of the Queen Mother of England, Elizabeth II. Buckingham Palace said a few hours ago that doctors “recommended that she be placed under medical supervision”, while the entire family, Harry and Meghan in the lead, are currently meeting at Balmoral Castle. Aged 96, the mother of Crown Prince Charles celebrated her 70th anniversary last June, but for some time her health seems to have deteriorated and she only rarely appeared in public.

“Following a further assessment this morning, the Queen’s doctors are concerned for Her Majesty’s health… The Queen continues to feel well and remains at Balmoral.”, added the palace in its press release which did not fail to react to the media around the world. Today, BFMTV had called on the most popular French expert on crowned heads, Stephane Bern and according to the often well-informed television man, the situation is rather worrying. “I have the feeling that we are preparing the public for the irremediable to happen in the near future”he lets go in full live.

The presenter of Secrets of historywho was recently seen in a detective TV movie, believes that the Queen of England appeared relatively “brittle” and “frail”in particular during the reception of the new Prime Minister on September 6 at Balmoral, Liz Truss. “While we thought she would be in better shape, the doctors inform us that she is under observation”continues the 58-year-old host, before imagining the resounding event that we could soon attend: “It’s a page of history that would turn. This is an assumption that we all have to come to terms with. She is a sovereign who is 96 years old (…) We are entering a period of great uncertainty about his health.”.

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