Elizabeth II: Her health concerns behind her? Surprising appearance and very reassuring!

If the United Kingdom is so largely attached to the monarchy, it is surely because for 70 years, it has always been dealing with the same person. Indeed, Elizabeth II has occupied the throne of England since February 6, 1952 but her coronation took place on June 2, 1953. A feat never achieved before that the 96-year-old sovereign has nevertheless managed to achieve, despite the many difficulties that got in the way of his reign. However, the last few months have made the British fear the worst. The queen, whose absences at major events can be counted on the fingers of one hand, has chained cancellations due to health problems. At almost 100 years old, there was therefore concern, particularly at the dawn of the great festivities planned for its Platinum Jubilee.

However, Elizabeth II seems to gradually regain the hair of the beast. This Tuesday, May 17, the grandmother of princes Harry and William went to the Paddington underground station, district of London, on the arm of her son prince Edward, for the inauguration of the underground line created in his honor, the Elizabeth Line. Dressed in a yellow outfit matching her very chic hat, the queen multiplied the smiles and was amazed by this new toy soon to be put into service.

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