Elizabeth II finally reappears! No more Covid-19, cane and gloves, the queen remains steadfast

The queen has indeed regained her form! This March 7, 2022, Elizabeth II was back in business, after a two-week hiatus. The 95-year-old sovereign had not failed to worry her subjects after contracting Covid-19. His iron health was no longer to be proven, but his return to royal engagements is a relief. A return that she made this Monday with a first-rate visit: that of Justin Trudeau.

Elizabeth II received the Canadian Prime Minister at Windsor Castle, thus carrying out her first official face-to-face engagement since her contamination with the coronavirus. As AFP points out, the Canadian leader, visiting the United Kingdom to discuss the war in Ukraine with Prime Minister Boris Johnson, took the ungloved hand of the sovereign in his hands and they spoke, while smiles. Another reassuring detail, her cane – inherited from her late husband Philip – also seems to have disappeared!

The queen had tested positive for Covid-19 on February 20, a few days after an interview with her son Prince Charles, who was also infected. After canceling engagements two weeks ago, the Queen last week held several audiences with diplomats by videoconference from Windsor Castle, where she has been residing since the pandemic. Elizabeth II should also stay there for an indefinite period, since she would have no intention of returning to London and Buckingham.

Videoconferences and a few rare outings

The sovereign’s health has been monitored very closely for the past few months. Last October, she had spent a night in the hospital for examinations, without Buckingham giving details. Before being tested positive, she had confided during an audience to be limited in her movements because of her legs… In recent months, Elizabeth II has considerably limited her outings, preferring to conduct a large part of her audiences remotely , by videoconference. A habit that she should keep, from Windsor therefore, beyond the health crisis.

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