Elizabeth II appears with purple hands: should we be worried?

Since her doctors recommended that she take it easy, every appearance of the Queen has been scrutinized in great detail, looking for clues to her state of health. No more trips to the four corners of England, Elizabeth II is now content with audiences and videoconferences from her Windsor Castle. Except that the photos of his recent meeting with the Chief of Defense Staff raised some concern …

On November 17, 2021, the 95-year-old sovereign granted Sir Nick Carter an audience. On the few photos of the meeting relayed by the palace, Elizabeth II appears standing and rather fit in her floral dress. But attention quickly focused on his unusually purple hands… This color change is probably related to cyanosis, that is to say deoxygenation of the blood. This phenomenon can be explained in different ways: it can be linked to cold or stress, to Raynaud’s syndrome (a vasomotor disorder caused by the temporary contraction of blood vessels), to a heart that is a little weaker than normal. ..

This cyanosis can also be linked to her recent health problems: last October, Elizabeth was briefly hospitalized in London for exams. Earlier this month, his participation at COP26 and then his presence at the Remembrance Sunday ceremony (for the Armistice) were canceled at the last moment due to back pain.

Still, the Queen was fit enough to attend the royal double christening hosted by her granddaughters Eugenie and Zara Tindall last Sunday in Windsor. It remains to be seen whether the royal family’s traditional Christmas at Sandringham will be maintained …

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