Elizabeth II and Philip reunited: shocking images of the coffin descending into the royal crypt

It is a day that will remain etched in history, the one marked by the funeral of the century. This Monday, September 19, 2022, Elizabeth II was buried. There have been some very strong images, but these are perhaps the most symbolic and poignant. The coffin, followed for ten days, is descended into the vault, join her husband Prince Philip. Months later, Her Majesty finally found the one she had always loved and with whom she shared her life. She won’t be buried, she’ll stay in the crypt, she’ll join everyone she loved. Elizabeth II will be transferred from this royal crypt to the chapel of King George VI where she will rest, alongside her husband, her parents and her sister.

The pictures of this coffin lowered into the Windsor vault, after having removed the crown and the jewels of the queen, will remain forever in the minds of all but especially in that of the new king, Charles III. He stands, looking grave and serious, while the royal symbols have been removed from this coffin, and this one sinking into the vault remains the last image of his mother. In the chapel of King George VI, there will only be a private ceremony for the family, from 7:30 p.m. (London time), a very intimate moment. On the anthem of god save the king, Charles III, will be able to find his family. The cane has been broken, the crown removed, everything is now settled so that he can start his reign. A page turns.

Strong images of the Windsor clan

These funerals are already considered the funeral of the century. The world came together for this final farewell to the British queen. We counted the presence of almost all the heads of state on the planet, including Emmanuel Macron, but also about thirty European royal families, and of course the clan as a whole of His Majesty. The king was seen very shaken, as was his wife Queen Consort Camilla. George and Charlotte of Wales, 9 and 7accompanied their parents. The two young children arrived with their mother, Kate Middleton, looking grim but dignified under a huge black hat, and found their father, Prince William, at the entrance to the coffin in Westminster Abbey. Very touched by these farewells to their beloved Gan-Gan, they were able to count on the support of their mother, Kate Middleton. This one has indeed multiplied the tender gestures towards them.

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