Elite 1: Women’s Stade Toulousain tears off its first shield against Blagnac

After two failures in the final in 2018 and 2019, Stade Toulousain Féminin won the Elite 1 shield for the first time in its history.

Led by one point after the siren, the Toulouse scored the winning try on the last action.

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A beautiful end for Sansus, Cabalou, Ferer…

Several senior players from Stade Toulousain end their careers at the end of this season. Laure Sansus in particular: “We hung on until the end. It’s been a few seasons that we couldn’t finish. It’s a big emotion. A lot of girls stop, we wanted to finish well. To finish on that, I couldn’t have dreamed of better.”

It was also the last for players like Camille Cabalou or Céline Ferer.

The Toulouse champions of France © Radio France
Antonin Kermen

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