Elise Lucet, single mother after the death of her husband: everything she did to make her daughter happy

Elise Lucet is an accomplished woman. Professionally, she is successful on France 2 thanks to Correspondent, of which she has been in charge since 2016. And when she is not in front of a camera, she spends her time with Rose (15), her daughter whom she has been raising alone since the death of her husband Martin Bourgeois. Although she prefers to remain discreet with regard to her private life, the 59-year-old journalist has already made rare confidences on the subject.

If she is in the spotlight by choice, Elise Lucet makes it a point of honor to preserve her little Rose so that she grows up far from the media agitation. Especially since the presenter of France Télévisions has already suffered from media coverage, especially at the time of the death of her late husband at 43 from leukemia, in 2011. “I found it scandalous that I was photographed in difficult times. I have never posed with my husband or my daughter. I continue on the same line. I am the happy mother of a 9 and a half year old little girl, whom I try to raise as best as possible, like millions of mothers. I have a duty to be a good journalist, not to share my private life with everyone“, she said to TV 7 Days in 2016.

This important moment that she never misses

And in June 2021, it is with Entertainment TVfor their podcast Women of TV, that she confided as rarely on her relationship with her daughter, which she makes her priority. Despite her busy schedule, Elise Lucet makes it a point of honor to be present on a daily basis for Rose. “I think I was still extremely present with my daughter. I’ve never missed that moment of dinner, bedtime, that moment when we tell the little story and I still don’t miss it today even if it’s big! I ask her how her day was, what happened in college. I know the names of his friends, the names of his teachers“, she had assured.

She had also quickly clarified that she was obviously “not the perfect mother“. But she rejoiced that she had instilled good values ​​in her daughter.”She is fully aware of what I have been able to bring her and in particular this curiosity of others, of the world. When I see her today saying hello to everyone, taking an interest in others, whoever they are, whatever their social background, whatever their skin color, their job, their background, I tell myself that I succeeded in transmitting this curiosity to him. It might be the best gift I could give her.“, she had concluded. A great pride.

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