Elisabeth Quin and the risk of going blind: operation and big disappointment

Ten years ago, Arte launched 28 minutes. That was in 2012. The discreet daily news program has managed over time to establish itself among the unmissable evening appointments. For its anniversary, the channel decided to record a special number for broadcast this Friday, January 28, 2022. Our colleagues from Parisian had the opportunity to attend the filming. They took the opportunity to hear from the host Elizabeth Quin.

The latter is still in charge of 28 minutes since the very first issue, despite some health concerns occurred in the meantime. Indeed, the 58-year-old journalist has double glaucoma, a degenerative disease of the optic nerve. who could make her blind. At night or in strong light, it is unfortunately as if it already was since its field of vision is then seriously reduced. At work, therefore, some adjustments had to be made. “These last months, we found a way to stop putting a projector in my face. Before that, it was very painful. I felt like I had daggers in my eyes“, she told the Parisian. By the way, she asked to enlarge “the size of the characters of its forms and of the teleprompter“.”Can’t get any bigger“, she laughs.

If Elisabeth Quin strives to consider losing her sight one day because nothing seems to really help her to cure her glaucoma. Six months ago, she just had cataract surgery, to no avail. “I had two stents placed on the left side to lower the intraocular pressureshe explains. What I lost I will never get back. I can’t see it any clearer.“The figure of Arte intends despite everything to hang on to his career for as long as possible.”It doesn’t stop me from doing my job“, she assures. Besides, Elisabeth Quin is “poor” to still be there in ten years, to perhaps celebrate the 20th anniversary of 28 minutes ! That’s all we want for him.

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