Elisabeth Borne’s speech to the Medef “is not going to shake anything up” denounces Greenpeace France

The managing director of Greenpeace France believes that“we remain on our hunger” after Elisabeth Borne’s speech to the Medef on Monday on energy sobriety.

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In front of employers, the Prime Minister called on Monday, August 29, companies to improve their energy sobriety. Otherwise, Elisabeth Borne specified that rationing measures could be envisaged, “and businesses would be the first to be affected”. A speech which did not convince Jean-François Julliard, director general of Greenpeace France, Monday on franceinfo which explains to be “disappointed”.

“We remain unsatisfied, Elisabeth Borne has been promising radical and innovative measures for a few months and I haven’t heard anything”he reacted denouncing a complacent speech vis-à-vis companies, “by encouraging them to reduce their energy consumption”.

This strategy does not correspond to the climate emergency according to the director general of Greenpeace France, “especially at the end of this summer”. “This speech will not shake anything up”, he dreads. The NGO would have liked a more combative discourse “and binding measures”.

“The boss of Medef promises us sober growth, it’s a nice oxymoron and the Prime Minister replies that we need new growth, reoriented growth: what does all this mean?”

Jean-François Julliard, Managing Director of Greenpeace France

at franceinfo

The only solution according to him: we must reduce our energy consumption and the consumption of materials. “that we use to produce all our goods”. “Otherwise, we will continue to go into the wall, we will not be able to face this climatic imperative”he warns.

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