This decline in the Prime Minister’s popularity comes as rumors of a reshuffle become more and more insistent.
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A bad signal for the Prime Minister. Elisabeth Borne’s confidence rating fell by three points in January, close to its lowest levels against a backdrop of speculation about a possible reshuffle, while 66% of French people call for the departure of the Prime Minister, according to two polls published Thursday 4 January. According to the Elabe barometer for everyday life The echoes only 23% of respondents trust the head of government to “effectively confronting the main problems” from the country. It is losing the rebound in confidence recorded last month.
While the government is suspended from the head of state’s decision on a possible reshuffle, another study, carried out by Odoxa for the newspaper Le Figaro notes that 66% of French people demand the departure of Elisabeth Borne. “Never had so many of them wanted to separate from her”notes the institute.
Emmanuel Macron’s rating remains stable
To succeed him, 36% of French people believe that the Minister of National Education, Gabriel Attal, would “a good Prime Minister”, followed by his colleague from the Economy, Bruno Le Maire (31%). These are the only two ministers that more French people would like to see stay rather than leave in the event of a reshuffle, according to Odoxa. The Minister of Defense, Sébastien Lecornu, whose name has been circulating in recent days for Matignon, comes last with only 10% of people thinking that he would make a “Good” Head of Government.
Emmanuel Macron’s rating remains almost stable at 27% (-1 point), but the President of the Republic “starts this year with a five-point deficit compared to last year (32% in January 2023)“notes the institute.
The Elabe survey was carried out online from January 2 to 3 among a sample of 1,002 people representative of the French population aged 18 and over, with a margin of error of between 1.4 and 3.1 points. percentage. The Odoxa survey was carried out via the Internet from January 3 to 4 among a sample of 992 people representative of the French population aged 18 and over, with a margin of error of approximately 2.5 percentage points.