Elisabeth Borne’s announcements “are welcome” but will not “put out the fire” of the controversy Caroline Cayeux (Inter-LGBT)

The announcements made by Elisabeth Borne Thursday August 4 to strengthen LGBT + rights “are welcome“, reacted on franceinfo Matthieu Gatipon-Bachette, spokesperson for Inter-LGBT.

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The Prime Minister announced the appointment “before the end of the year” of one “ambassador for LGBT+ rights” and the creation of a fund of three million euros to create ten new centres. Matthieu Gatipon-Bachette remains “careful” on the planned financial envelope. But according to him, these announcements do not go “to extinguish the fire” of the Caroline Cayeux controversy.

franceinfo: Are the announcements made by Elisabeth Borne going in the right direction?

Matthieu Gatipon Bachette: These are announcements that are actually going in the right direction. These were requests that we had had for a long time. We have many LGBT centers that have very little means, small structures that are often only supported by volunteers. These are essential structures that welcome people on a daily basis, which guide them, which answer their questions, which can sometimes manage the entire spectrum of LGBTQI+ life. This ranges from the organization of a Pride March through prevention in schools or welcoming and listening to people who need it. They are pivotal structures in the associative fabric. These means are welcome.

Will this post of ambassador for LGBT+ rights be useful?

It was a request that we had made at the time of the legislative elections in the platform “Act for” that the inter-associative had carried. It is something positive. Nevertheless, we put him in contact with the means that will be given to this embassy to be able to do its job.

“It takes the whole of a diplomatic corps mobilized to succeed on issues, in particular, of decriminalization or to try to push for more favorable legislation in other countries for LGBT people.”

Matthieu Gatipon Bachette

at franceinfo

We also nuance these announcements a little. We are told an envelope of three million euros. We do not yet know how it will be distributed, on what funds it is based.

Elisabeth Borne again recognized the unfortunate words of Caroline Cayeux. What do you think ?

It is not these funds and these announcements that will put out the fire. Ms. Cayeux’s statements are harmful for all LGBTQI+ people in this country because they suggest that one can be a Minister of the Republic and besides make such comments. If Madame Cayeux had made her remarks against people of the Jewish or Muslim faith, would she still be in office?

Do you want her to resign?

This is the wish of many associations. I think she must draw the consequences of her statements and, in a desire to appease her, she must leave her place to a person who is really convinced of the policy that is being carried out or that the government claims to be carrying out.

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