Elisabeth Borne will remain Prime Minister and will form a “new government of action” in early July, announces Emmanuel Macron

The president, who maintains his “confidence” in the former Minister of Labour, has instructed her to sound out the parliamentary groups in the Assembly next week, in particular on their possible participation in the government.

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Since the poor result of the majority in the legislative elections, his fate remained uncertain. Elisabeth Borne is confirmed as Prime Minister by Emmanuel Macron, who announces it in an interview with AFP, Saturday June 25. The Head of State explains that he decided to confirm [sa] trust” to the one he had chosen in May for “to carry out the action of the government in the long term”.

A “new government of action” will be formed in “the first days of July”, he says. Until then, Elisabeth Borne is responsible for sounding out the various groups in the National Assembly, in particular on their desire to participate in the government, to vote for confidence in the Prime Minister and the draft budget.

“On my return from the G7 and NATO”whose summit in Madrid ends on Thursday, “the Prime Minister will submit to me proposals for a roadmap for the government of France over the coming months and years, and also for the composition of a new government of action at the service of France”details Emmanuel Macron in this interview.

This government can go “from communists to LR”but not beyond, warns Emmanuel Macron, who excludes the participation of the National Rally and La France insoumise: “I do not confuse the extremes, but by their expression, their positioning, (…) these formations do not register as parties of government”.

The President of the Republic specifies that “the basis of these discussions” for the formation of the new government will be the “framework of the presidential project and that of the presidential majority which may be amended or enriched”as long as these adjustments do not increase “neither taxes nor debt”. He confirmed that he still intended to reform pensions to “work longer” the French.

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