Elisabeth Borne wants to relax the limitation periods for victims of serial rapists

On the eve of the international day of struggle for women’s rights, Elisabeth Borne unveils several measures to fight against sexist and sexual violence.

On the occasion of March 8 and the international day of struggle for women’s rights, Elisabeth Borne must make a series of announcements on the fight against gender-based and sexual violence. Before that, from this Tuesday, March 7, Matignon unveiled some of these announcements.

Among the measures, one concerns the extension of the statute of limitations for sexual offenses in the context of serial rape. The Prime Minister wishes that if the aggression of one of the victims is not prescribed, other older ones can also access a trial. More precisely, if two victims (or more) were raped by the same person, it is the date of the most recent rape which would be taken into account for the other victims, even those whose rape is prescribed (if there is prescription). A measure that has already applied since last year for rapes committed against children. There, Elisabeth Borne wants to extend it to adult victims. Matignon specifies that the bill is under consideration and will then have to be validated and voted on by Parliament.

Tougher penalties for serial rape

Another measure, this time concerning the penalties incurred in the event of serial rape. The Prime Minister wants to increase the maximum sentence incurred from 20 years today to 30 years of criminal imprisonment.

Finally, Elisabeth Borne announces the setting up of two expert missions. The first, by the High Council for Equality between Women and Men, on the overall care of victims of sexual violence. The second, entrusted to two qualified personalities, but who have not yet been chosen, and whose mission will be to better detect victims in the world of business, politics, sport, the public service, wherever there may be a relationship of authority between the victim and his aggressor. These two missions will have to submit their first conclusions by September.

Finally, for the perpetrators of sexist and sexual violence responsible for the less serious cases, the Prime Minister proposes the establishment of specific works of general interest whose objective is to prevent and fight against the repetition of the facts.

Specialized centers within the courts

More broadly, the head of government also recalls, as she announced on Monday, her desire to set up “specialized poles” in domestic violence within the courts and courts of appeal to “respond locally” to the difficulties of women victims. Eric Dupond-Moretti will be responsible for deciding by the summer on the terms of these centers (budget or staff). It should be noted that the Ministry of Justice will draw from among the 10,000 civil servants (including 1,500 magistrates and 1,500 clerks) that it wishes to hire by 2027.

Elisabeth Borne wants better care for women who are victims of sexist and sexual violence. To better protect them, it announces the creation in each department of a medico-social structure backed by a hospital center for comprehensive care of women victims of violence. 56 are already financed, the Prime Minister (who had already announced it in an interview with the magazine “Elle” dated March 1) wants to double this figure in two years to have them throughout the territory.

Finally, Elisabeth Borne confirms, again as announced on Monday evening, the possibility of issuing immediate protection orders within 24 hours to protect the victim of violence and their children more quickly.

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