Elisabeth Borne, vote of confidence, Finance Committee… Manuel Bompard’s “8h30 franceinfo”

Manuel Bompard, deputy La France insoumise of the Bouches-du-Rhône was the 8:30 guest franceinfo, Friday June 24, 2022. Consultation of parliamentary groups, vote of confidence, Finance Committee… He answers questions from Lorrain Sénéchal and Neila Latrous.

Legislative: “We found” Elisabeth Borne

“She had completely disappeared, the Prime Minister, we were on the verge of launching a search warrant, we found her yesterday”, mocks Manuel Bompard, the day after an interview with Elisabeth Borne on television. The head of government began Thursday, June 23 to meet with the presidents of the newly elected parliamentary groups at the Palais Bourbon. “It is positive because, normally, it is she who is in charge of the government and therefore it is she who is in charge of leading possible discussions with the parliamentary groups in the National Assembly to try to constitute a majority”judges the elected official of Bouches-du-Rhône.

This is “Ms. Borne and Mr. Macron to say what are the points on which they are ready to move forward, what is the roadmap on which they are trying to work”, assures the rebellious deputy. “Honestly, we are not going to tell stories, it is not with us that this roadmap will be put in place, everyone knows it”warns Manuel Bompard. “We have projects which are projects which are different, which are opposed”he insists, even if “there may be points on which we can agree”.

The absence of a vote of confidence, a “major” democratic “problem”

If the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, does not engage the confidence of her government before the National Assembly, “from the point of view of basic respect for the democratic framework, this seems to me to be a major problem”, says Manuel Bompard. Elisabeth Borne said on Thursday that she had not yet made a decision on a possible vote of confidence on July 5: “The Prime Minister must come before the National Assembly and she must ask for the confidence of the National Assembly. That seems to me to be the basis”insists the deputy Nupes-LFI.

If it was not Elisabeth Borne’s choice, the Nupes, at least La France insoumise, will table a motion of censure: “It’s not out of a desire not to be constructive or whatever, but quite simply, it’s respect for the word that we gave to voters. We were elected on a program , on a vision of society”explains Manuel Bompard.

“Natural” that LFI is seeking the presidency of the Finance Committee

“Since Madame Borne said that the majority would not participate, as is the rule, the tradition of voting on the presidency of the Finance Committee, then it is normal that she should return to the coalition which is the most numerous and therefore to the New Popular, Ecological and Social Union” (Nupes), assures Manuel Bompard.

Under these conditions, who will be the candidate presented by the left-wing coalition? On Thursday, during the first meeting of the Nupes intergroup, “we have agreed on a principle: we will present joint candidacies for all positions of responsibility within the National Assembly”, he explains. This includes “this famous presidency of the Finance Committee”. For Manuel Bompard, “it seems natural that in the coalition that we form together, it is the most numerous political group that proposes a candidate for the presidency of the Finance Committee”. La France insoumise proposed the name of Éric Coquerel, deputy of Seine-Saint-Denis.

Find the entire “8:30 am franceinfo” of Friday, June 24, 2022:

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