“Élisabeth Borne told me that there was nothing to discuss” on the pension reform, assures Fabien Roussel



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The national secretary of the French Communist Party explained on Sunday why his party was not going to Matignon to discuss the post-pension reform.

Invited to meet the Prime Minister at Matignon, the boss of the Communists Fabien Roussel declined the invitation, like the ecologists and the rebellious. “We have zero space for discussion, the door is closed”, explains the boss of the PCF, to explain his refusal. “Élisabeth Borne told me that there was nothing to discuss on the pension reform”, he assures, Sunday April 2 in the program “Political Questions” of France Inter / France Télévisions /The world.

>> Meeting at Matignon to discuss the post-pension reform: “We are not going to participate in this kind of political illusion”, reacts the deputy LFI Éric Coquerel

Fabien Roussel confides that the Prime Minister called him on Saturday and that they exchanged for about twenty minutes. “We talked about the text”, he says. “She made it clear to me that the agenda for the meeting was not to put the reform on hold.”

The boss of the PCF assures that he questioned the Prime Minister about a possible censorship of part of the text by the Constitutional Council: “She answered me: ‘we keep it anyway'”protests Fabien Roussel.

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