Elisabeth Borne: The terrible nickname she was given by collaborators

Who is Elisabeth Borne really? Appointed as Prime Minister by the re-elected President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron, she was already in the government of her predecessor Jean Castex as Minister of Labor. Her name was known, since she was associated with the unemployment reform in particular and because she was part of the shortlist from the start speculation about the choice, but she doesn’t let much of her personality show. In Pointwe learn a little more about the one she would be behind the scenes …

When it doesn’t work, she is able to kick everyone“, reports a former minister at Le Point. A firm woman who confuses more than one and who earned her the nickname of “Wicked” by members of his cabinet. “With her, no one flinches. She has a sense of hierarchy“, specifies a member of the government. A politician who eats and sleeps little, runs on Sunday mornings listening to political broadcasts, adds the weekly. She likes to read, opera and holidays in the sun, nothing extravagant therefore. A life made up of rigor which can be seen as much as a quality as a defect.

In her private life, Elisabeth Borne is also extremely discreet. We know that she divorced an academic, Olivier Allix, with whom she had a son, Nathan, teacher-researcher in law at Paris II – Assas. Living as a couple today, you will never see her pose with her companion in front of the lenses. On the set of Do not touch My TV in 2021, however, she had agreed to talk about her childhood, marked by the death of her father, a former resistant, when she was 11 years old and which made her a pupil of the Nation.

Now in charge of running the executive for President Macron, Elisabeth Borne must also lead her campaign for the legislative elections next June in the sixth constituency of Calvados. A major challenge for this engineer from Polytechnique and the Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées since she has never been elected before.

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