The Prime Minister thus shows, in an interview granted to “Figaro”, that the government is reaching out to the Republicans, to try to obtain a compromise on the immigration text.
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This is a point of the immigration bill that crystallizes the opposition of the Republicans. Elisabeth Borne says she is ready, in an interview with Figaroto discuss the “terms” a residence permit for sectors that have difficulty finding labour. “The first logic is to allow all those who are here regularly to access a job”, emphasizes the Prime Minister. “With the creation of a residence permit in shortage occupations, the idea is not to create a breath of fresh air, but to take certain situations into account”argues the head of government.
The current system sets several conditions for regularization: to have been on French territory for three years, to be in a job in tension, not to bring his family, to have worked for 18 months in these jobs in tension and to have a promise of ‘hiring. According to the Ministry of the Interior, the government would be ready to increase “5, 6 or 7 years” the residence condition, to set the income condition at 1.5 smic, and to add the obligation to have a permanent contract.
“Advancing” on the subject of immigration
At the end of May, the Ministry of the Interior was already suggesting that the government was ready to tighten its system for regularizing undocumented workers in shortage occupations in an attempt to obtain a compromise with LR on the immigration text, the content of which must be clarified in July, after consultations with the right. LR put pressure on the government by tabling two immigration bills.
But in this interview, Elisabeth Borne wishes to share, in the face of criticism from the right, her determination to “to advance” on the subject of immigration, “by seeking efficiency, within the framework of the values of our country”. “I don’t know what they are doubting! I have been prefect, I know the improvements needed”she pleads.