Elisabeth Borne pupil of the Nation: “It’s a bit shocking to lose your father so young”

After days of speculation, the name of the Prime Minister of Emmanuel Macron’s second term was unveiled on May 16, 2022: it was Élisabeth Borne who was chosen to succeed Jean Castex. For her debut as head of government, Elisabeth Borne must respond to a double emergency: to form her government team and lead the battle for the legislative elections, while meeting expectations on purchasing power and the climate. Described by her peers as a hard worker who knows her files perfectly, the former Minister of Labor will not miss it! Parallel to her appointment, portraits of the one who is the first woman to succeed to this position after Edith Cresson between 1991 and 1992 follow one another to try to find out more about this polytechnician by training. Very discreet about her private life – we know that she is divorced, has a son named Nathan – she sometimes poured out her childhood, marked by a tragedy: the death of her father when she was young.

In a portrait that Release had devoted to her in 2015, at a time when President Hollande had chosen her as head of the RATP, some information about her past had then surfaced: “Elisabeth Borne’s mother was from Normandy. His father, a Jew of Russian origin from a family who had taken refuge in France in 1939. Resistant, deported in 1942, he died in 1972. When Élisabeth Borne, prefect, gave a citizen his naturalization decree for the first time , she was a little moved: ‘Let me, the daughter of this stateless refugee, who was French only in 1950, accomplish this gesture, that said something about integration.‘”

On the set of Do not touch My TV, the very serious minister had also broached this intimate subject exactly a year ago. She thus spoke of having become a pupil of the Nation, a status granted by the State to minor children whose parent has been injured or killed during a war, a terrorist attack or while rendering certain services. public: “It hasn’t always been easy. I lost my father when I was very young, so we ended up with my mother, who had two daughters and who didn’t really have an income. So I was a pupil of the Nation, I was able to do my studies with a scholarship. (…) I wanted to have my financial autonomy, so I hung on, I was able to enter an engineering school where I was paid by the State and that was a real relief.

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