Elisabeth Borne proposes to double the transport premium, to 400 euros

The Prime Minister the announcement Thursday evening in an interview with the regional dailies of the Ebra group.

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“The philosophy is to protect the purchasing power of all French people on fuel at the start of the school year, and that companies then take over”. In an interview with the regional dailies of the Ebra group, Thursday, July 21, Elisabeth Borne proposes to double the ceiling of the allowance that companies can pay to cover the fuel costs of their employees, bringing it to 400 euros.

Businesses “could pay tax-free aid of up to 400 euros to their employees who have a high consumption, the equivalent of a discount of nearly 50 cents at the pump for an employee who travels 12,000 kilometers per year”adds the Prime Minister.

This boost was provided for in the preliminary versions of the purchasing power measures, currently under consideration in the Assembly. But it had finally disappeared from the amending finance bill (PLFR). On Wednesday, the boss of the LR deputies Olivier Marleix had already called for the ceiling of this transport premium to be raised. “We would like it to be increased to 400 euros”he had indicated on franceinfo.

In addition, the executive, who wanted to gradually extinguish the current rebate of 18 cents on a liter of fuel to replace it with another device, would be willing to finally extend this discount by increasing it.

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