Elisabeth Borne promises to transcribe into law the agreement concluded between the unions and the employers

The agreement reached between the various organizations generalizes profit-sharing or participation schemes to all companies with more than 11 employees.

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Responding to the call of the social partners, Elisabeth Borne promised Monday, February 20 to transcribe into law an agreement recently concluded between unions and employers on the “sharing of value”. “I make a commitment on behalf of the government, we will respect the compromise reached between the social partners and we will propose the faithful and total transcription of this agreement into law”said the Prime Minister, calling the agreement a “very rich” And “historical” for SMEs.

Elisabeth Borne spoke to several ministers, Bruno Le Maire (Economy), Gérald Darmanin (Interior), Olivier Dussopt (Labour), Clément Beaune (Transport) and Olivia Grégoire (PME), and the Renaissance presidential party. The latter met in convention around this theme in the Parisian premises of Qonto, a start-up which notably offers financial services for small businesses.

“The social dialogue continues”, insists Elisabeth Borne

This agreement, which could be transcribed into the bill on “full employment” expected in the spring, is open for signature by trade unions and employers’ organizations until Wednesday. Two unions, the CFDT and the CFTC, have already announced their intention to initial it.

“This agreement is first and foremost proof that despite the context” the conflict between the government and the unions over the pension reform, “social dialogue continues and is bearing fruit”assured the head of government.

After months of complicated negotiations, the Medef, the CPME and the U2P on the employers’ side and the unions CGT, CFDT, FO, CFE-CGC and CFTC presented on February 10 a text aimed in particular at widely generalizing devices such as profit-sharing , participation and value-sharing bonuses to all companies with more than 11 employees. Participation is a mechanism for redistributing profits, currently compulsory in companies with more than 50 employees. Incentive is an optional bonus linked to results or non-financial performance, schemes that come with tax benefits.

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