Elisabeth Borne proclaims “the independence of the judicial institution” and the “presumption of innocence”

During questions to the government on Tuesday, the Prime Minister affirmed that the Keeper of the Seals was “not prevented”.

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Socialist MP Boris Vallaud questioned Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne on Tuesday, October 4 on the independence of justice, after the dismissal of Minister of Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti before the Court of Justice of the Republic (CJR). Recalling that in 2017, Emmanuel Macron, then presidential candidate, had affirmed that “Any minister indicted should resign”Boris Vallaud asked the head of government, during questions to the government in the Assembly, what she thought of this statement.

Elisabeth Borne replied that she had “take note of the decision” returned to the Minister of Justice, and affirmed that she did not believe “not that it is democratically healthy for decisions of the judicial authority to be commented on here, within the confines of the legislative power, by a member of the executive”given that “the independence of the judiciary is a cardinal principle of our democracy”as “the presumption of innocence”.

The leader of the PS deputies, taking the floor, said to see “point (…) a conflict of interest in a few months” when the current Attorney General at the Court of Cassation François Molins retires and “the President of the Republic will appoint a successor to him, on the advice of the Keeper of the Seals”successor who “will probably have to hear the appeal in cassation of the Keeper of the Seals”.

“The Keeper of the Seals is not prevented, the Ministry of Justice works”assured him the Prime Minister, recalling the “offset device” set up by a decree published in October 2020, by which Eric Dupond-Moretti is excluded from all business related to his former activities.

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