Elisabeth Borne postpones her trip to Germany due to a positive test by Olaf Scholz for Covid-19

This trip, which was to allow the two leaders to discuss “the follow-up of joint commitments in a European framework, in particular in terms of energy cooperation”, “is canceled and postponed to a later date”.

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Elisabeth Borne will not be in Berlin on Thursday September 29. The Prime Minister has postponed her trip to Germany, where she was to be received by Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who tested positive for Covid-19 on Monday September 26.

This trip, Elisabeth Borne’s first abroad since her appointment last May, “is canceled and postponed to a later date”learned from Matignon several media, including France Télévisions.

In the German capital, the two leaders were to exchange “on the bilateral agenda, ahead of the next Franco-German Council of Ministers”planned in France at the end of October, and on “monitoring of joint commitments in a European framework, particularly in terms of energy cooperation”, according to the same source. This move was to be “also an opportunity to reaffirm the unfailing support of France and Germany for Ukraine”.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has tested positive for Covid-19 after returning from a tour of the Middle East, the German government spokesman announced on Monday. The 64-year-old leader presented “mild symptoms” of a cold, before being tested positive on Monday and going into solitary confinement in his apartment in the chancellery, according to the German authorities.

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