Elisabeth Borne postpones her arrival scheduled for Friday in the Tarn

In the midst of a debate on the Budget in the National Assembly, and after using 49.3 on Wednesday, the Prime Minister postpone his trip at a recycling center to discuss the government’s doctrine on green planning.

Article written by

Paul Barcelona, ​​with France Bleu Occitanie – franceinfo

French Radio



Reading time : 1 min.

Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne postpones her visit scheduled for Friday in the Tarn, announce France Bleu Occitanie and franceinfo this Thursday. “The news at the National Assembly requires that it does not stray too far from Paris“, justifies Matignon to franceinfo, while the government on Wednesday had recourse to article 49.3 of the Constitution to have the revenue part of the 2023 finance bill adopted. The executive plans to do so also for the bill. financing of Social Security, the examination of which began this Thursday in the National Assembly.

>> National Assembly: follow the situation in our direct

The Prime Minister was to go to a recycling center to discuss the government’s doctrine on ecological planning. According France Blue Occitania, this trip has been postponed, but no new date has yet been set. Instead of this trip to the Tarn, Elisabeth Borne will launch the “climate and biodiversity” section of the National Council for Refoundation in Paris, not far from the National Assembly.

Stay near the National Assembly

In the meantime, the objective for the executive is clear: to ensure that 49.3 does not focus all the attention. “We can’t put ourselves in apnea”, summarizes a minister, who summarizes that the executive wants to ensure that the avalanche of 49.3 that is looming is not its only concern. “49.3 is a very Parisian subject, people don’t care“, tries a ministerial adviser to franceinfo.

But acting as if nothing had happened is not so easy: Elisabeth Borne’s agenda bears the brunt of it, therefore, leaving herself the possibility of going to the hemicycle at any time, to announce a new appeal at 49-3.

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