Elisabeth Borne lifts the veil on part of France’s greenhouse gas emissions reduction plan by 2030

A “comprehensive strategy” is expected to be drawn up by the end of June, following a series of scheduled thematic meetings between ministers and relevant stakeholders.

“We must all act, and act quickly. We have no time to lose for the ecological transition.” Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne chaired a National Ecological Transition Council on Monday May 22. The head of government outlined the roadmap for France to reduce its greenhouse gases and respect its European commitments. Objective: a 55% drop in emissions by 2030 compared to 1990 levels, hence the name of the text of the European climate package, baptized “Fit for 55”.

A subject overshadowed in recent months by the pension reform, the government intends to put ecological planning back in the spotlight. It is “one of the pillars of my government’s roadmap”assured Elisabeth Borne. “It is a major concern for our fellow citizens, in particular for our youth. It is in fact a vital issue for our future”she hammered.

The stakes are high: for the moment, the level of reduction in greenhouse gas emissions is only 25%. To live up to its ambitions, our country must accelerate and reduce its emissions twice as fast as it does today, conceded the Matignon tenant.

A “comprehensive strategy” involving households, businesses, the State and communities expected for June

“Given the scale of the challenge, everyone must play their part and no one should rely on the efforts of others. It’s a question of efficiency, but also of justice and acceptance of the changes to come”, underlined Elisabeth Borne. According to the head of government, “The effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions will therefore be supported by everyone in line with the emissions achieved, the capacities and the means of each”.

“In total, half of the effort will be made by companies, especially large companies, a quarter by the State and communities, and the last quarter by households.”

Elisabeth Borne

during a National Council for Ecological Transition

On companies, Elisabeth Borne noted that “many have started to adopt a decarbonization strategy”. She notably cited the example of the Lhoist company, which signed Monday morning with the Minister of Industry, Roland Lescure, its decarbonization roadmaps. This company, which is one of the world leaders in the manufacture of lime, “manages four of the fifty most greenhouse gas emitting sites in our country”pointed out the head of government.

The National Council for Ecological Transition has been carrying out work for six months which has enabled “to identify the different levers for reducing greenhouse gas emissions”, added the Prime Minister. The members of his government are now responsible for organizing “sectoral meetings, in the coming weeks, to specify the additional levers that will have to be mobilized”. The sectors concerned are energy, transport, agriculture, industry and construction. These upcoming meetings should make it possible, according to Elisabeth Borne, to “finalize a complete strategy during the month of June”.

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