Elisabeth Borne judges “extremely shocking” the reaction of Jean-Luc Mélenchon after his controversial tweet



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“We are not to an excess”, added the Prime Minister, on the sidelines of the presentation of the bicycle plan on Tuesday.

The Quatennens affair has not finished making people react. On the sidelines of the presentation of the bicycle plan by the government, the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, responded to the controversy which agitates the ranks of La France insoumise, Tuesday, September 20. “I don’t know if this is quite the place to deal with thisshe retorted in the court of Matignon. I think we’ll have the opportunity to talk about it again.”

Asked more particularly about the controversial tweet of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who at first only supported the LFI deputy, Elisabeth Borne said she considered that he was “obviously extremely shocking to have someone trivializing domestic violence.” Before continuing: “But finally here we are, we are not to an excess…” As a reminder, the deputy Adrien Quatennens announced on Sunday to withdraw from his function of coordinator within La France insoumise, after the revelations, published in the press, on the filing by his wife of a handrail against him.

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