Elisabeth Borne in Algeria to relaunch Franco-Algerian cooperation

The French Prime Minister is accompanied by 16 ministers, nearly half of her government. She starts this Sunday a two-day visit to Algeria to give “a new impetus” and concrete to the reconciliation initiated in August by the presidents of the two countries.

The French Prime Minister should meet the Algerian president Abdelmadjid Tebboune, with whom Emmanuel Macron concluded on August 27 a “renewed partnership” around six areas that remain to be implemented.

Relaunch “economic cooperation”

Elisabeth Borne will also chair on Sunday, with her Algerian counterpart Aïmene Benabderrahmane, the meeting of the fifth High Level Intergovernmental Committee (CIHN) where it will be mainly a question of “economic cooperation“.

The CIHN must end with the signature “of agreements“, which will not be not necessarily business contracts and will focus on training, energy transition, economic cooperation, youth and education, as well as government.


But the government takes care to specify that the question of gas deliveries to France is not on the agenda of this trip. Monday, about forty French companies will participate in the Franco-Algerian Business Forum, because for Paris, there is also this imperative to renew contacts on the Algerian side.

loose ties after the fall of Abdelaziz Bouteflika in 2019 and the network changes that followed, also after the health crisis of 2020 and especially after the diplomatic crisis caused in 2021 by Emmanuel Macron’s criticisms of the Algerian regime.

Algiers took the opportunity to get closer to China and the Gulf countries. Through this trip, France wants to make it known that it intends regain market share.

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