Elisabeth Borne in a good position, Amélie de Montchalin in difficulty… Discover the results of the members of the government

A win or the door. Hoping to win a seat as a deputy, 15 ministers are also playing their future in the government of Elisabeth Borne, starting with the Prime Minister herself. The Elysée has indeed assured that the personalities beaten at the ballot box should resign. Who can blow? Who can worry? Franceinfo takes stock, for each minister-candidate, at the end of the first round, Sunday June 12.

>> Results, reactions, analyses… Follow the evening of the first round of the 2022 legislative elections live

Elisabeth Borne, Prime Minister

The Prime Minister can breathe. Candidate in the 6th constituency of Calvados, Elisabeth Borne seems in a good position to win. The former Minister of Labour, who is appearing for the first time in the Normandy bocage, came first in the first round, according to the Ministry of the Interior. With 34.32% of the vote according to final results, she will face the candidate of Nupes (24.53%) in the second round. “Personally, I want to thank the inhabitants [de sa circonscription du Calvados] for putting me in the lead in this first lap”commented Elisabeth Borne on Sunday evening.

Gérald Darmanin, Minister of the Interior

Candidate in the 10th district of the North, the Minister of the Interior qualifies for the second round with 39.11% of the vote. In fairly favorable ballot, he will face the Nupes candidate Leslie Mortreux, who obtained 23.08% of the votes during this first round.

Gérald Darmanin is well ahead in this northern territory that he knows well, and which includes Tourcoing, a city of which he was elected mayor in 2014 and 2020. As a reminder, Vincent Ledoux, the outgoing Agir deputy, would be his deputy and could therefore recover the Minister’s seat in the Assembly in the event of victory.

The results of the first round of legislative elections in the tenth northern constituency, June 12, 2022. (FRANCEINFO)

Brigitte Bourguignon, health Minister

A good Sunday for the Minister of Health. Brigitte Bourguignon indeed came first in the 6th constituency of Pas-de-Calais, according to partial results. La Boulonnaise, who obtained 32.10% of the vote, will face Christine Engrand (30.33%), the candidate of the National Rally in this constituency in the second round.

Olivier Veran, Minister responsible for Relations with Parliament

The former Minister of Health comes first in the 1st constituency of Isère, with 40.50% of the vote. He is ahead of the candidate Nupes Salomé Robin, whom he will have to face in the second round, by nearly four points (36.86%).

Its anchoring and its notoriety inherited from its management of the Covid-19 epidemic seem to have borne fruit. In the event of victory in the second round, the new Minister in charge of Relations with Parliament will have to give way to his deputy.

Gabriel Attal, Minister of Public Accounts

While he could for a time believe in an election in the first round, the Minister of Public Accounts must submit to the second round in his 10th constituency of Hauts-de-Seine. “With approximately 47.5% of the vote, the voters of Issy, Vanves, Boulogne and Meudon placed me very clearly in the lead in this first round of the legislative elections”, tweeted the former government spokesperson. According to partial results published Sunday evening by the Ministry of the Interior, he won 49.79% of the votes cast, ahead of the Nupes candidate, Cécile Soubelet (28.55%).

Damien Abad, Minister of Solidarity

Candidate for his re-election in the 5th district of Ain, the brand new Minister of Solidarity is in favorable ballot. The one who left the LRs a few weeks ago has arrived leading the first round with 33.38% of the vote. The minister, faced with accusations of rape which he disputes, will face in the second round the candidate of Nupes, Florence Pisani (23.54%).

Olivier Dussopt, minister of labor

The Minister of Labor qualifies in the 2nd constituency of the Ardèche, with a total of 30.04% of the votes. Olivier Dussopt, who doesdebated with none of his opponents during the campaign, will face in the second round the Nupes candidate Christophe Goulouzelle, who came second with 23.58% of the vote. The former mayor of Annonay (Ardèche) is well anchored in this territory: he already been elected three times deputy since 2007. But until then, it was under the socialist banner.

Marc Fesneau, agriculture minister

Candidate for his re-election in the 1st constituency of Loir-et-Cher, the new Minister of Agriculture has plowed the ground well. He comes first with 31.97% of the vote and qualifies for the second round. Marc Fesneau is ahead of the candidate Nupes Reda Belkadi who obtains 24.31% of the vote. In a macronist territory, Marc Fesneau has a strong anchoring which had allowed him to be elected regional councilor in 2021. As he prepares this year to face a candidate from the left alliance, he will be in a situation less favorable than in 2017, when he beat the FN.

Justine Benin, Secretary of State for the Sea

The Secretary of State for the Sea qualified for the second round in the 2nd constituency of Guadeloupe, obtaining 31.31% of the vote. Justine Benin is ahead of candidate Nupes Christian Baptiste by nearly four points (26.78%). Despite the 57% obtained by Jean-Luc Mélenchon on the island in the first round of the presidential election, Justine Benin finally seems not to have paid dearly for her “label” as candidate for the President of the Republic.

Amélie de Montchalin, Minister for Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion

The Minister for Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion will see the second round well… but she will approach this last straight line with a delay. According to partial results published Sunday evening by the Ministry of the Interior, Amélie de Montchalin won 30.99% of the vote in the 6th constituency of Essonne. But she is far behind Jérôme Guedj (37.53%), candidate of Nupes. As a reminder, Jean-Luc Mélenchon had preceded Emmanuel Macron during the first round of the presidential election in April.

Franck Riester, Minister Delegate, in charge of Foreign Trade and Attractiveness

He will face the RN for the second round. Franck Riester comes first in the 5th constituency of Seine-et-Marne, with 29.27% ​​of the vote, ahead of the RN candidate François Lenormand, who obtains 25.41% of the vote. The former Minister of Culture is deeply rooted in this Ile-de-France department. Mayor of Coulommiers from 2008 to 2017, he has been a deputy since 2007.

Yaël Braun-Pivet, Minister of Overseas

The Minister of Overseas comes first in the 5th constituency of Yvelines, with 36.59% of the vote. She is ahead of candidate Nupes Sophie Thevenet by more than 10 points (23.55%) and qualifies for the second round.

In 2017, Yaël Braun-Pivet, former president of the National Assembly’s law commission, was elected in this Yvelines constituency with 58.99% of the vote, facing outgoing deputy LR Jacques Myard.

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