Around Édouard Marguier, the informed discuss the news of Wednesday April 26, 2023.
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Reading time : < 1 min.

The themes :
– Policy : Élisabeth Borne details her roadmap for the coming months
– War in Ukraine : Volodymyr Zelensky and Xi Jinping called each other for the first time since the start of the conflict
The informed:
Emilie Zapalskicommunicator, founder of the communication agency Émilie Conseil
Julie Marie LeconteHead of the Political Department of France Info
Francois Sionneaueditor-in-chief at L’Obs
Patrice Moyoneconomic and social columnist and columnist at Ouest-France
With the participation of :
Fabien DiFilippoLR deputy for Moselle
Michel Beaugasconfederal secretary Force Ouvrière