Elisabeth Borne defends her government and promises a bill on purchasing power in the summer

It was her very first official interview as Prime Minister. This Friday evening, a few hours after the announcement of her government, Elisabeth Borne indicated on TF1 that the first bill examined by Parliament resulting from the legislative elections of June would be devoted to supporting the purchasing power of the French.

Guest of the 8:00 p.m. newspaper, the head of the brand new government specified that the creation of a food check and limiting energy prices would be among the measures proposed from the start of the summer. “We are working on a food check which will be part of this bill, but also on price shield measures, and the reduction in fuel prices will be extended”she said, assuring that she had “of course the concerns of the French” on purchasing power. “There are also measures that were expected, such as the revaluation of pensions and the tripling of the Macron bonus”she added.

A “parity and balanced” government

The government presented this Friday, which counts 27 members, including 13 womenis “equal and balanced”, also estimated Elisabeth Borne. Some heavyweights of the outgoing government have retained their positions, such as Bruno Le Maire in Finance and Gérald Darmanin in the Interior, while a few personalities have entered, like the former Chiraquienne Catherine Colonna in Foreign Affairs as a replacement of Jean-Yves Le Drian and the historian Pap Ndiaye at the National Education in place of Jean-Michel Blanquer, the main surprise of the new team.

The “caricatural” criticisms of the far right against Pap Ndiaye

Elisabeth Borne denounced the side “perfectly cartoonish” of the extreme right which, following the announcement of the new government, focused its criticism on the Minister of Education Pap Ndiaye, accused by Marine Le Pen and Eric Zemmour of wanting “deconstruct” the country. “It’s perfectly caricatural, which doesn’t surprise me from the people you mentioned”, underlined the Prime Minister, in reference to the head of the RN and the president of Reconquest!.

“Pape Ndiaye is a very committed Republican, someone who believes in the values ​​of the Republic and that is obviously what he will wear as Minister of National Education”she added.

Immediately after the appointment of Pap Ndiaye, a respected academic born to a Senegalese father and a French mother, the far right has multiplied criticism. “The appointment of Pap Ndiaye, an assumed indigenist, to National Education is the last stone in the deconstruction of our country, its values ​​and its future”estimated on Twitter Marine Le Pen, presidential finalist. “Elect as many National Rally deputies as possible to protect our youth from the worst ideologies!”, added the leader of the RN. For RN President Jordan Bardella, “Pap Ndiaye is a racialist and anti-cop activist”. “His appointment is an extremely worrying signal sent to French students within the National Education, already undermined by communitarianism. With this reshuffle, Emmanuel Macron is accelerating the dislocation of the Nation”.

“Emmanuel Macron said that the History of France had to be deconstructed. Pap Ndiaye will take care of it”reacted the other far-right presidential candidate Eric Zemmour. “He participated in meetings prohibited to whites, he is a real indigenous intellectual, a real woke”, added the ex-candidate of Reconquest! on CNews. According to Mr. Zemmour, “it’s the whole history of France that will be revisited in the light of indigenism, woke ideology and islamo-leftism”. The Minister of Education “will be responsible for reformatting the minds of young French people to teach them that white people are eternally guilty, that black people are victims and that we are a land of immigration and that we must above all continue to be so”.

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