Elisabeth Borne continues the consultations in Matignon, three days before the decision of the Constitutional Council

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Decisive week for Elisabeth Borne. The Prime Minister completes her consultations with the unions and political parties on Tuesday, April 11, by receiving Marine Le Pen, the leader of the National Rally deputies. With these discussions, the head of government intends “appease the country”, while a 12th day of mobilization against the pension reform is scheduled for Thursday and the Constitutional Council will make its decision on the text on Friday. Follow our live.

Three options for the Sages. The Constitutional Council will make its decision on the pension reform on Friday. Three scenarios are possible: a validation of the text, a total censorship or a partial censorship. This last option, the most likely, could suit the executive: the measures set aside by the Constitutional Council could be recycled in a labor law.

“The President of the Republic has lost the French”. Unsurprisingly reappointed as head of the PCF on Monday, Fabien Roussel again called on Emmanuel Macron to withdraw the reform raising the retirement age from 62 to 64. The head of state “lost opinion” And “trade unions”affirmed Fabien Roussel, who expressed the Communist Party’s ambition to “restoring retirement at 60”.

Towards a 12th day of action. The unions called for new demonstrations on Thursday, the day before the decision of the Constitutional Council on the pension reform. The general secretary of the CFDT, Laurent Berger, hopes that the Sages will censor “the whole of the law”. Otherwise, the number one of the FSU Benoît Teste believes that a green light for the referendum procedure of shared initiative on pensions can “keep the flame burning”.

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