Elisabeth Borne consults widely before announcing the composition of her government team

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Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne consults in all directions, including some of her predecessors at Matignon such as Edouard Philippe, while continuing to form the government, her entourage announced on Wednesday May 18. The latter, who had lunch for three hours then dined with Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday, “continues the development work of the government team”said his entourage, without revealing an announcement date. The Council of Ministers, normally scheduled for Wednesday, had been postponed at the beginning of the week to IThursday at the earliest. Follow our live.

The joy of Brigitte Macron. The First Lady welcomed the appointment of Elisabeth Borne. “She’s a woman, we’re crazy happy, and she’s the right person in the right position”she told TF1 on the sidelines of a visit to Disneyland Paris as part of her presidency of the Fondation des Hôpitaux de Paris / Hôpitaux de France. “Because we women, when we are appointed somewhere, it is even more difficult because we are expected at the turn”.

A majority of French people satisfied with their Prime Minister. According to an Odoxa survey for Le Figaro published on Wednesday, 57% of French people are satisfied with the appointment of Elisabeth Borne, 12 points less than when Edouard Philippe was appointed in May 2017 (69%).

Marine Le Pen wants to be president of the RN parliamentary group. Marine Le Pen announced Wednesday that she will be president of the parliamentary group of the National Rally, if the party manages to elect at least 15 deputies in the legislative elections, during a trip to Saint-Dizier (Haute-Marne).

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